Watching and Participating in the Divine Services from Home

The church is fully open and we prefer that our parishioners honour the divine services in person , therefore we will no longer be broadcasting our services online at this time. However, in case someone cannot attend we list the live video feeds below from several churches in the USA and Greece. You can follow and participate by watching a service on your smartphone, tablet, smart TV, PC, Mac, Apple TV, Android TV, Xbox or any device capable of showing Youtube.

Click the image

You will go to the Youtube page for Holy Trinity

Click the image


Click the image

You will go to the live video for St. Katherine

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A Practical Guide to Participating in Live Streamed Church Services

Below is a guide for getting into a spiritual state of mind and participating in an online service. Thanks to St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Church in Noarlunga, Australia for making the below guide and to Fr. Theologos of Prophet Elias for sending it to us.
